Gelato made in store, using natural ingredients Plenty of Milky and Dairy Free choices These are some of our flavors Staples Rotating Flavors Fruit Sorbets Chocolate 100%Vanilla from MadagascarSalted CaramelStracciatellaPistachio and/or HazelnutGoat or Mascarpone or Cream CheeseMint and Chocolate Chips Oat Milk, Maple Syrup, Pecan (v)Chocolate with Candied Orange PeelsCustardGianduja (Chocolate and Hazelnut)Almond CustardPecan & HoneyWhiskey and PecanTiramisuRicotta, Honey and PistachioGoat Cheese and PecanGoat Cheese and Blueberry JamFromage Blanc and Apricot Jam MangoLemonPassion FruitBananaStrawberryCantaloupeand much more Suggest a flavor... Let's Try. Visit Us 2009 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ontario, M5M 4A5 Call us: +1 647-954-1117 Instagram Facebook-f